Click the following links to install commands with uweb browser. Force exit and re-launch the app, then long press the button with clock icon to popup the command menu.
Configuration file "default.cmds" examples:
Clear database::rm -rf /data/data/info.torapp.uweb/databases/*
Clear cache::toybox rm -rf /data/data/info.torapp.uweb/cache
logcat.log::logcat -d > logcat.log
tgz install::toybox tar -xzf %f -C /
Users should change the IP addresses in the following menus accordingly. In all cases, TV side needs to execute "wait for network msg" first. Send message to network (ex. for android TVs):
Send clipboard:clip/uweb:printf 'i:5ji:5b';cat
Send url::printf '%u'|/system/bin/toybox nc 1500
Send url(player)::printf 'i:5g%u'|/system/bin/toybox nc 1500
Sendurl(bookmark)::printf 'i:51../home5:i:0mc16:%u'|/system/bin/toybox nc 1500
Send url(fullscreen)::printf 'i:5f%u'|/system/bin/toybox nc 1500
Send url(video)::printf 'i:0mc16:%u'|/system/bin/toybox nc 1500
Send url(clipboard):clip:(printf 'i:5b';cat)|/system/bin/toybox nc 1500
Modify with your own info:
Refresh dynv6 ddns for sim card 1
Need root permissions:
Need termux:
VPN::am start -a
wireless::am start -a android.settings.WIRELESS_SETTINGS
Clipboard2PC:clip:ssh [email protected] 'DISPLAY=:0 xsel -i'
ClipboardFromPC:/clip:ssh [email protected] 'DISPLAY=:0 xsel -o'
Clipboard broadcast:clip:socat - UDP-DATAGRAM:,broadcast
Clipboard from broadcast:/clip:socat -u udp-recvfrom:1500 SYSTEM:'cat;exit'
Clipboard2QR:clip/uweb:qrencode -o /sdcard/Download/a.png;echo file:///sdcard/Download/a.png
Clipboard2PC needs to modify username, PC needs xsel. ssh needs to be installed inside termux (apt install openssh).
Clipboard broadcast needs socat(apt install socat)。
Clipboard2QR needs libqrencode.
mdme: Show local markdown file
texme: Show local tex+markdown file
markdeep: Show local markdown+tex+diagrams file
markdeep slide: markdown+tex+diagrams
remark slide: slide show for local markdown file
Code editor, open url in clipboard etc.
Each line has the following format:
[Name]:[mimetype]:[command line]
[command line] can have "%c" (cookie), "%s" (address bar text), "%u" (url), "%t" (title).
[mimetype] have the following formats:
Last Modified: 12 May 2023
fix en/cmds